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Cataluña, España


Nurse in chargeMaria Gasull

Entity/Agency in charge: Consell de Col·legis d’Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya


Over 3,000 nurses took part in the renewal of the ethics code of Catalan nurses through a participative process that lasted three years. This code was renewed 26 years after the previous document had been published.

The Ethics Code, published in 2013, has been since that date a reference document for the professionals, who can consult it in printing or online, through the websites of the four Catalan regional schools and through a free app available for both iOS and Android.

The document emphasizes the aspects linked to people’s dignity, it specifies those values such as health care and it tackles topics like the right to strike, the conscientious objection, the environment or the use of new information and communication technologies.

The different articles are structured according to the following values: responsibility, autonomy, privacy, confidentiality, justice and social commitment. Thus, the document includes the main commitments adopted by nurses during the development of their professional practice in relation with the patients, their families and society in general. The work previous to composing the new code began in 2011 with a commission of 16 drafting nurses who started to work in this project. Previously, a review of the ethics codes of other countries took place and, simultaneously, the need to know about the main ethical problems of Catalan nurses arose.

For this reason, two focal groups of nurses were created, which came from different areas of the profession and, afterwards, an online survey open to all Catalan nurses was elaborated. With the data obtained, the drafting commission elaborated the articles, which were later presented to prominent people and institutions of the ethics world.

After that, this document was disclosed to the whole Catalan nursing collective, so that all those nurses were able to make the amendments that they considered to be necessary. Eventually, the code was approved by the governing bodies of each professional school and, afterwards, by the Consell de Col·legis d’Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya.


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Cataluña, España

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