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Hospital Verge de la Cinta, Carrer de les Esplanetes, Tortosa, Espanya


Nurse in charge: Olga Pérez Sala

Entity/Agency in charge: Hospital Universitari Verge de la Cinta


Since 2010 the midwifery of Hospital Universitari Verge de la Cinta offers to pregnant women in low risk situation the possibility of delivering in a bathtub.

Therapeutical benefits of waterbirth are globally well known and comprehend buoyancy and reduction of pain among others.

The delivery room also offers intimacy both for women and their partners.

Midwifes that provide with this service are highly qualified and they maintain their training anc capacitation with the new findings of evidenced based research available.

Hospital Verge de la Cinta, Carrer de les Esplanetes, Tortosa, Espanya

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