Nurse in charge: Dolors Rodríguez, Esperanza Díez and Teresa Echeverría, Comissió de maltractaments i salut (Comission for mistreatment and health)
Entity/Agency in charge: Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona
The Programa Ajuda is aimed at female collegiates who are or have been suffering from an abusive situation within their couple love relationships.
The collegiates can consult, of their own accord, personal situations related with abuse or also a situation of abuse that affects other colleagues.
We also help to guide nurses (male and female) who, after detecting a case of abuse to a user or nurse, personally wish to have tools to conduct the case or help to solve it.
We also guide professionals who want to organise or launch formative programs to address gender violence within their organisation or to initiate specific commissions in the workplace.
We help and give advice to nurses who have been victims of an abusive situation within their couple love relationships. We offer legal, health, social and psychological attention resources to the woman victim. We guarantee absolute confidentiality.
The documentation below is only available in catalan.
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