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Health program specifically for adolescent motherhood in the ASSIR services of Barcelona City


Nurses in chargeMarta Boqué Ramón (ASSIR Muntanya), Anna Payaró Listerri and Judit Pelegrí Alvarez (ASSIR Esquerre)

Entity/Agency in charge: ASSIR Primària Barcelona Ciutat


Taking into consideration the characteristics of the teenage community in our areas (the districts with the highest rate of teenage pregnancy being Sants-Montjuïc and Nou Barris), it was important to offer a program that was specific for young mothers in ASSIR centers, in order to improve the health status of the teenagers and their children. Multidisciplinary group: midwives, gynecologists, psychologists, social workers, etc.

Through the activities in the program, the teenagers receive the elements that will allow them to preserve their health, promote autonomy and co-accountability, in such a way that the highest benefits can be obtained in terms of health and resource utilization.

The target community are pregnant girls under 21 years old.

The groups of birth preparation/postpartum have a great potential to produce changes thanks to the processes of identification, recognition and support among equals. These facts boost the work done by the professionals.


  • Helping to create new bonds and consolidating the existing ones, which can help young girls during pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood.
  • Knowing one’s own body and the changes that take place in it.
  • Stimulating the bond with the child and with the social & familiar environment.
  • Facilitating the accountability for this new experience and the recognition of its real possibilities.
  • Fostering the knowledge and development of the girl’s personal resources in her own self-esteem.
  • Promoting the involvement and support of her partner.

Barcelona, Espanya

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