Nurse in charge: Cristina Martínez Bueno
Entity/ Agency in charge: Atenció a la salut sexual i reproductiva. Àmbit d’Àtenció Primària de Barcelona Ciutat (ICS) (Care on sexual and reproductive health) and Ajuntament de Barcelona
Fatherhood is a complex social construct not only determined by biology but also by social, cultural and historical contexts. Therefore, social expectations on fatherhood usually go around the fact of being a father and the exact role that this implies. Although the role of men as parents has changed, the assumption of domestic responsibilities and childcare is still unequal. Women are still the ones who mainly take care of domestic responsibilities today, a fact that is evident if we look at some data: only 5,5% of the periods of leave to take care a minor are taken by men whereas 94,5% are taken by women (Ministeri de Treball i Seguretat Social, 2013). Only 1,7% of men have exercised their right to increase their two-weeks paternity leave, share the time of leave and caregiving with their partner (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2013).
The experience that we present implies a collective work between ASSIR and Servei d’atenció als homes (men desk) at Ajuntament de Barcelona.
The general aim of this group intervention is to achieve a higher level of implication of men in the rising and care of children from the very moment of the pregnancy and to promote an active, present, conscious, affectionate and responsible fatherhood model.
Target population
Men whose partners are between the 15th and 20th week of the pregnancy and are following up the control of the process at ASSIR.
7 weekly two hour long sessions. Group work is oriented from a psychosocial dimension, centred on using participatory, experiential and inductive dynamics. Therefore the experience emphasises participation, reviewing, exposition and analysis of the emotional experience and the specific needs- This allows us to establish bidirectional dynamics where attitude, emotion and cognition are trained.
362 men have attended the sessions provided to the 26 groups formed with participants. 49% of them have higher education. 50% believe that it is normal that men and women follow different activities. Attending men show a clear satisfaction with the proposed activities.
Qualitive evaluation of results referring the change of attitude among the participant men are being carried on right now.
It is necessary to provide with interventions that help to reinforce co-responsibility between the members of a couple on the raising of their children. These interventions will allow a progressive transformation of society and communities by exercising a more responsible and aware fatherhood. Groups of men hold at ASSIR will be a key element in this transformation. This is a unique experience in the whole Spanish territory.
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