Nurse in charge: Stephan Biel M.A.
Entity/Agency in charge: BC Biel Consulting
The population is ageing in such a way that it requires solutions that meet such a changing and heterogeneous profile. If we take into account that there is an increasing number of people over 50 who may have to work until they are 70, we might wonder: are job positions adequate to them? And what about their surroundings, services and products? Most of the times, the answer is no, and this was precisely the origin of MAX.
It was developed in the Chemnitz Technical University, in the unit of Work Sciences and Innovation Management, at the initiative and in cooperation with AutoUni, Audi AG and Volkswagen Group Research. Its design is based on 200 scientific studies in the fields of medicine, gerontology, sport sciences and psychology (Design Based on Evidence).
The general objective of the use of MAX is acquiring new knowledge and awareness on the people with certain limitations through experimental actions, so as to focus on the development of surroundings, services and products from another perspective.
The suit MAX is the only one globally that, due to the fact that it is modular, is capable of distinguishing between different age ranges, thus allowing those who want to use the suit to take an approach according to their needs and aimed profile.
More than 35 trainings with the suit have been carried out and it has already been enjoyed by more than 500 professionals from the gerontological and geriatric sectors, by professionals from the field of physical sports and investigators, among others, at a national level.
*The modular suit of age simulation MAX was developed by the Chemnitz Technical University at the initiative and in cooperation with AutoUni, Audi AG and Volkswagen Group Research. The MAX brand and the design of the suit of age modulation that is utilized by BC Biel Consulting is done with the permission and license of its owner, Volkswagen AG.
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