Nurses in charge: Lidia Fernández Donaire (IP), Joaquín Tomás Sábado, Amor Aradilla Herrero, Montserrat Edo Gual, Pilar Fernández Narváez, Cristina Monforte Royo.
Entity/Agency in charge: Escola Universitària d’Infermeria Gimbern
This project has consisted in defining the diagnostic label Fear of the process of dying, with its defining characteristics and related factors, in order to present it to the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA-I) for its inclusion into the taxonomy. At the same time, in order to strengthen the proposal, nursing interventions derived from the nurse diagnosis have been created to evaluate their applicability to the health care practice. All of this with the objective of contributing to the utilization of a standardized nursing language in the collection and management of information, which will allow for the unification of the communication and will reflect the complexity and diversity of the nurse care.
A prospective study divided into three phases was developed: the 1st one consisted in defining the suggested diagnostic label, as well as its related factors and defining characteristics, and validating it with the delphi technique, thanks to an expert panel constituted by professionals from different fields related to end-of-life care. In the 2nd phase, the nursing interventions derived from the diagnostic label were identified and formulated according to the opinion of a sample of nurses with experience in the field of palliative care, all through the nominal group technique. In the 3rd and last phase, the usefulness and applicability of the interventions derived from the suggested diagnostic label were evaluated with a third group of nurses with experience in end-of-life care and with the delphi technique.
The obtained results were as follows: in the 1st phase, the initial questionnaire contained the definition of the diagnostic label, 16 defining characteristics and 17 related factors; those items have been considered with an average of >3, resulting into a total of 15 defining characteristics and 19 related factors. In the 2nd phase, 7 expert nurses participated in a nominal group, which required 2 sessions of 2.5 hours each, where the conversations were recorded and transcribed for their subsequent analysis. This resulted into 44 nursing activities that were categorized into 5 labels. In the 3rd phase, the clinical usefulness of the 44 previous activities were validated thanks to a group of experts formed by 10 nurses from the field of end-of-life care, through a self-managed questionnaire. Only those that obtained an average >3 were considered – 37 in total – and 7 activities were dismissed.