Entity/Agency in charge: Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona
The Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona (COIB), in a firm attempt to improve and change the collegiate organization, has launched the Projecte RESET, a participation process among collegiate nurses aimed at designing a new relationship model and making sense out of the collegiate organization. Historically, the collegiate structures have not responded to the expectations of the nurses that are part of it. This is the origin of the project: building a professional organization that makes sense to the nurses in Barcelona.
The participation process, which is currently operational, has different execution phases. The 1st part of the project has already taken place and it has consisted of the completion of more than 50 on-site and online dialogues in which hundreds of nurses in Barcelona have taken part. In these dialogues, the foundations for the professional discussion have been laid, since the nurses have debated on the aspects of their profession that are more appealing to them, their day-to-day problems and what they need in order to develop their profession.
The master lines that the nurses will agree on and define have been gathered in the dialogues, and these shall constitute the action guidelines for the collegiate organization.
This participation process is unparalleled in Spain within a professional association.
The documentation below is only available in Catalan.
Download the brochure Vídeo: What is the Projecte RESET?