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Critical patients satisfaction regarding nurse cares

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Carrer de Sant Quintí, Barcelona, Espanya


Nurse in charge: Marta Romero García

Entity/Agency in charge: Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona



Despite the benefits and progress in measuring the satisfaction regarding nurse care through the use of tools, none of them has been specifically created to assess satisfaction in intensive care units, meaning that they do not contain those aspects that are more important for the critical patient, nor do they assess nurse care entirely and comprehensively in this practical context. It is for this reason that, considering satisfaction as one opinion on the quality of nurse care, it is relevant to know the dimensions of satisfaction from the patient’s point of view and use it as a base for the creation and validation of a questionnaire that will allow for the evaluation of the satisfaction of the critical patient regarding nurse care.


Designing and validating a questionnaire from the viewpoint of the critical patients in order to evaluate their satisfaction regarding nurse care.


Transversal psychometric quantitative design. The field of study were three Intensive Care units from a third-level hospital. The population were all of the patients that had been discharged. Consecutive sampling (n=200). For the design of the initial questionnaire, the item generation was based on the dimensions of the previous qualitative study. The result of the content validation (n=30) was a questionnaire with 49 items distributed into 4 factors: Holistic Care, Communication Methods, Professional Behaviour and Consequences of receiving satisfying nurse care. For the data collection, once the patients had been discharged, they were given the evaluation tools and, after 48 hours, the questionnaire was provided again in order to analyse the temporal stability. For the questionnaire validation, the internal consistency analysis (Cronbach’s Alpha) and the temporal stability (test retest) were used. The construct validity, through the confirmatory factorial analysis and the criteria validity, was based on the Consumer Emergency Care Satisfaction Scale.


The reliability of the Satisfaction Questionnaire was 0.95 and the factors obtained values between 0.7 and 0.91. The Coefficient of Intraclass Correlation of the total scale was 0.83, indicating a good temporal stability. The construct validity showed an acceptable adjustment and a factorial structure with 4 factors, matching the Theoretical Model, the factor being: Consequences as the one that bore the best correlation with the rest of factors. The criteria validity displayed a moderate to elevate correlation (ends: 0.32-0.68). The results of this research reveal that the critical patients show very high levels of satisfaction and that some of the analysed socio-demographic and clinical variables exhibited statistically significant differences.


The Satisfaction Questionnaire has been designed and validated with the incorporation of the critical patient’s viewpoint. Due to its reliability and validity, this questionnaire can be used both in the clinical investigation and practice.

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Carrer de Sant Quintí, Barcelona, Espanya

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