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Effectiveness and quality of mental health care at Institut d’Assistència Sanitària

Hospital de Santa Caterina, Carrer del Doctor Castany, Salt, España
GIRONA Nurse in charge: Margarita de Castro Palomino Entity/Agency in charge: Institut d’Assistència Sanitària Description Xarxa de Salut Mental i Addiccions de les comarques gironines (the mental healthcare and addiction network of Girona) has been recognized as a referential model both nationally and internationally by the European...

Nurse Management of Demand

Catalunya, Espanya
CATALONIA Nurse in charge: Enric Mateo Viladomat Entity/Agency in charge: Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona /Associació d’Infermeria Familiar i Comunitària de Catalunya/ Consell de Col·legis d’Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya. Description The particularities of the Catalan Health Care System cause the coexistence of different enterprises...

The ATIC Terminology

Catalunya, Espanya
CATALONIA Nurse in charge: Maria Eulàlia Juvé Udina Description ATIC is a project on the architecture of the nursing knowledge through an interface nursing language. A standardized vocabulary, concept-oriented, validated and used within the practice for 10 years. The acronym ATIC contains the Catalan words...

App to monitor the observations of hand hygiene in order to avoid infections

Hospital Universitari de Girona Doctor Josep Trueta, Avinguda de França, Girona, Espanya
GIRONA Nurse in charge: Dolors Domènech Entity/Agency in charge: Institut Català de la Salut Description Hand hygiene is the starting point for the reduction of infections associated to health care and for the improvement of the patient’s safety. Direct observation is an investigation technique with the...