CATALONIA Nurses in charge: Lorena Villa, Octavi Rodriguez and Antonio Torrejón Entity/Agency in charge: Healthink Agency Description HealthScience is a personal project of three nurses whose goal is to...
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CATALONIA Nurses in charge: Lorena Villa, Octavi Rodriguez and Antonio Torrejón Entity/Agency in charge: Healthink Agency Description HealthScience is a personal project of three nurses whose goal is to...
CATALONIA Nurse in charge: Maria Gasull Entity/Agency in charge: Consell de Col·legis d'Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya Description Over 3,000 nurses took part in the renewal of the ethics code of...
CATALONIA Nurse in charge: Cristina Martínez Martínez Entity/Agency in charge: Consell de Col·legis d'Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya/ Institut Català d’Oncologia (Unitat de Control del Tabac) Description BACKGROUND Nurses can...
BARCELONA Nurse in charge: Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez Entity/Agency in charge: Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron. Description BACKGROUND A higher need of patient-centered health care and a practice based on evidence are the...
BARCELONA Nurses in charge: Lidia Fernández Donaire (IP), Joaquín Tomás Sábado, Amor Aradilla Herrero, Montserrat Edo Gual, Pilar Fernández Narváez, Cristina Monforte Royo. Entity/Agency in charge: Escola Universitària...
CATALONIA Nurse in charge: Enric Mateo Viladomat Entity/Agency in charge: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona /Associació d'Infermeria Familiar i Comunitària de Catalunya/ Consell de Col·legis d'Infermeres i...
CATALONIA Nurse in charge: Maria Eulàlia Juvé Udina Description ATIC is a project on the architecture of the nursing knowledge through an interface nursing language. A standardized vocabulary,...
BARCELONA Entity/Agency in charge: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona Description The Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona (COIB), in a firm attempt to improve and...
BARCELONA Nurse in charge: Sol Muñoz, director of ÍDIC Entity/Agency in charge: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona Description IDIC is the Center of nurse innovation and development...
CATALONIA Nurse in charge: Rosa Rifà Ros Description The origin of the project goes back to 2006 with the Project of Improvement of the immigrant population care in primary...